Could someone tell me why in "Parent::__Construct('$bill');", if I put a variable there it does not identify it? I tried anyway, it only works if I type the name of the table, this $account comes from identify, already put echo $account before "Parent::__Construct('$account');"
include 'identifica.php';
class User extends Usuarios{
public function __construct(){
echo $conta;
and he takes the name of the regular table, but when I put it in there he identifies it. Someone can help me?
include 'identifica.php';
class User extends Usuarios{
public function __construct(){
Take the simple quotes because you’ll understand like a String, test there and tell me.
– Bulfaitelo
I’ve tried it like this, with doubles, single, without and msm so n works
– Woton Sampaio
If I give an echo $account; before the Parent line, it prints normal, but if it is a dps line it also identifies.
– Woton Sampaio
Place the user class
– novic
SOLVED - did I do that? php require_once('usuarios.v.php'); class User extends Usuarios{ public Function __Construct($account){ include 'identifies.php'; Parent::__Construct($account); } ;}
– Woton Sampaio
I put include inside Function and passed the variable through Construct
– Woton Sampaio