How to remove spaces before and after a string without the Javascript "Trim()" method


Viewed 582 times


I have this code to remove the first and last spaces but it’s removing all the spaces present.


const separador = ' ';

function filtro(separador, str) {
  let resultado = '';
  let stringNova = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if (str[i] === separador) {
      resultado += str[i];
    } else {
        stringNova += str[i];

  return stringNova;

console.log(filtro(separador, ("  X DSA   ")));

Should return:

X DSA and not XDSA.

Someone could help me ?

Guys, I’m actually creating a trim method of my own, so I don’t want to use the trim method of the JS itself

  • +1 for several reasons

3 answers


I see no need to reinvent the wheel, the Javascript already has a native function to accomplish this and it is already "approved" and tested.

Below is an example with method Trim():

console.log(("  X DSA   ").trim());

  • 2

    +1 for several reasons

  • +1 also, following the principles of the great Uncle Bob! D


You can use the regex:



  • ^ identifies the beginning of the text
  • \s identifies spaces
  • | or
  • $ end of text


function fazerTrim(string) {
  return string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

console.log(fazerTrim("  X DSA   "));


By your idea would need to stop the going when finding the "first nonseparator" and start a new one backwards, following the same idea.

I got carried away doing it here.. see if this meets :P

function MeuTrim(pTexto){
    var letra = pTexto[0];

    if (pTexto.length > 0){
        while (letra == ''){
            if (pTexto.length == 1)
                pTexto = '';

            pTexto = pTexto.substr(1);
            letra = pTexto[0];

        if (pTexto.length > 0){
            letra = pTexto[pTexto.length - 1];
            while (letra == ''){
                if (pTexto.length == 1)
                    pTexto = '';

                pTexto = pTexto.substr(0, pTexto.length - 2);
                letra = pTexto[pTexto.length - 1];

    return pTexto;

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