Good morning, I’m redoing the question because the last one I deleted was a little confused.
I have these two select and would like to join them to return the result to a comparison chart.
This SELECT query and returns the number of maintenance you had per month
DATE(MAN.relManu_data_registro) AS DATA,
count(MAN.relManu_id) AS TOTAL_MAN
FROM tb_relatorio_manutencao AS MAN
MAN.relManu_data_registro >= DATE(date_sub(now(), interval 1 MONTH))
GROUP BY DAY(MAN.relManu_data_registro) ORDER BY MAN.relManu_data_registro ASC
This SELECT query and returns the number of calls you had per month
DATE(LIG.ligacoes_data_registro) AS DATA,
count(LIG.ligacoes_id) AS TOTAL_LIG
FROM tb_relatorio_ligacoes AS LIG
LIG.ligacoes_data_registro >= DATE(date_sub(now(), interval 1 YEAR)) AND
LIG.ligacoes_assunto >= suporte
GROUP BY MONTH(LIG.ligacoes_data_registro)
ORDER BY LIG.ligacoes_data_registro ASC
Then, in the first select I select the maintenance and count how many had in the month, in the second I consult another table and get how many calls to the support had per month.
I wanted to join these queries to stay on the same line the information of the DATE MONTH, CONNECTION COUNT, SUPPORT COUNT to compare on a graph.
adds the structure of the tables to your question. Something else there is some Foreign key qye connect the tables?
– Krismorte