Distant relationship with Laravel 5.5


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Guys, I need some urgent help!

I have the following situation:






My Warehouse system, works with input and output of various products. Where an output is made on an item that has been added on the input (in_products) -> here is where the input items(products) are stored. In other words, an output is not directly related to a product but with a product that has been input.

I was able to make the relationship right in relation to the input:

public function produtos() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('Estoque\Produto', 'entradas_produtos', 'id_entrada', 'id_produto')->withPivot('id', 'numero_lote', 'vencimento_lote', 'quantidade', 'valor_unitario')->orderBy('entradas_produtos.id', 'asc');

How do I make this relationship, going through the table saidas_products, picking my product that is inside entradas_products and taking the name of the product that is inside products?

I’ve tried everything and nothing :(

  • @Juniornunes there is that ta: if in my table saida_products had direct relationship with products, the same input has would make it good. But the output has a particularity. Note that in the table I have the id_entrada_product. Thus, my way of output is not in a direct product but in an item that was given at the entrance.

  • @Juniornunes sorry for ignorance, rsrsrs. Could you write me how you’re thinking about this relationship?

  • Input and Output are separate modules, say. A system user first registers N products, and then he will register an entry. An entry can contain N products. After that, the entrance died. The exit serves to control the stock, in the Storeroom is done this way. Where the output is done in an input item (in_products) > where the product id is stored here. Which serves only as a reference. I didn’t quite understand the question, but I believe I don’t need to get an entry through an exit.

  • For the tables in_products and saidas_products I do not have Model, for me they are auxiliary tables.

  • Ask me in your question the database model with the relations (table diagram and relation)!

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