PHP Fatal error: [] Operator not supported for strings in


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error started to appear

PHP Fatal error: [] Operator not supported for strings in

$data = date('Y-m-d');

$q = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM agendasalao WHERE dataReserva >= $data ORDER BY dataReserva ASC");

$qtde_registros = mysqli_num_rows($q);
if ($qtde_registros > 0) {
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($q)){
        $data[] = $row;  <<< erro aqui
    echo json_encode($data);
  • puts... this variable ta wrong even. silly error. I will change to $dateAtual .

  • Just one detail, building queries using the joker *, is a bad idea for code performance. Try to rescue only the attributes needed to run the routine by setting in your clause.

1 answer


The error is being correctly indicated.

You create a string at the beginning of the code:

$data = ...

That is, a string. In the loop you want to add items:

$data[] = ...

Items are added in arrays, and not in strings.

Immediate solution:

If it really is to accumulate everything in the same variable...

... or exchange the beginning for it...:

$data[] = date('Y-m-d');

... Or adapt in the loop:

$data .= $row-> (aqui você poe o item desejado do objeto retornado); 

If this is not the intention, just change the name of one of the two variables.

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