Select returning dates in the object other than what is registered in the Mysql database


Viewed 266 times


I have a problem when I list the contents of a table and store in a list the date is one day less.

I’ve done a lot of research on the web and can’t find a solution to the problem.

Below the method of registration:

public String cadastrarPeriodo(LocalDate dataInicio, LocalDate dataFim) throws SQLException {
    String message = null;

    Connection con = ConexaoMySQL.getConexaoMySQL();
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;

    try {
        stmt = con.prepareStatement(inserirPeriodoBancoHora);
        stmt.setDate(1, Date.valueOf(dataInicio));
        stmt.setDate(2, Date.valueOf(dataFim));

        int res = stmt.executeUpdate();

        if(res == 1){
            message = "Dados Registrados com Sucesso!";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        message = "Erro ao Salvar os Dados";
    } finally {

    return message;

Search method

public List<PeriodoBancoHora> listarPeriodosCadastrados() throws SQLException {
    List<PeriodoBancoHora> listaPeriodoBancoHora = new ArrayList<PeriodoBancoHora>();

    Connection con = ConexaoMySQL.getConexaoMySQL();
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;

    try {
        stmt = con.prepareStatement(listarPeriodosCadastrados);

        ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery();

            do {
                PeriodoBancoHora periodoBancoHora = new PeriodoBancoHora();
            } while (;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {

    return listaPeriodoBancoHora;

In the database is recording the value I am reporting on the screen, however the value returned is subtracting 1 day, as the images below: Imagem que mostra o retorno do banco em tela

Informação da forma como está registrada em banco

Estrutura da Tabela no MySQL

The Mysql connector I’m using is mysql-Connector-java-6.0.6.jar.

Thanks in advance.

Sincerely yours,

  • I had a similar problem with SQL Server and just changed the drive. See how compatible the drive is with the version of Mysql you are using Or see also the Data Type being used in Java vs Date type of Mysql

  • rLinhares, thanks for the feedback, updated the driver, but what solved the problem was a configuration on the connection. Mysql is pretty boring with some settings, to make the connection the first time I had to set Timezone in connectionfactory, and I picked up a UTC standard, was only change to America Sao_paulo that started working.

2 answers


Thanks for the feedback, I managed to solve the problem by adding up the tips received here. First the indication of Krismorte, led me to understand that my problem was connected to Timezone, I researched how to adjust Timezone in the database, other ways to apply the suggested configuration, but nothing worked. After rLinhares indicated the update of the connection driver, I did and the problem persisted, that’s when I researched how to enter with Timezone directly in the connection string of the bank and to my surprise, there was already a configuration of Timezone=UTC that I changed to Timezone=America Sao_paulo.

And started returning the value correctly.

Thank you for everyone’s support and there are options for those facing similar problems.


  • Krismorte, Thanks for the return, when changing the line as indicated, occurs the Exception Unsupported Operation. java.lang.Unsupportedoperationexception at java.sql.Date.toInstant( at at I tried to change Timezone at other times, but it hasn’t solved yet.

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