Error running Hello World project with default eclipse CDT condigo


Viewed 74 times


I’m trying to use the default code that comes in the Hello World project in Eclipse CDT(I’m using mingw), but when I put to run the project nothing appears in the console, only that the application has been terminated.

Initially, an error called eclipse appeared: *** No Rule to make target 'Hello. o', needed by 'Hello.exe'.
So, I recreated the project and tried to play again and, although the message Hello World still does not appear on the console, the error that previously appeared simply disappeared.inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


I don’t know much about how things work in the eclipse but I’ll try to help you out.

You created a project and added the PQ.cpp file, is this file in the same project directory? if yes look at the Makefile and see if it is included in it, if not try to put in the same project folder.

The console you refer to is windows cmd or eclipse itself? Why is it so strange that it generated . exe and have not shown hello world. if it is the eclipse is probably the above problem.

The code itself is right, if you happen to want to change IDE use codeblocks.

  • Look in the Makefile if you have this flag -Subsystem,windows and remove,.

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