How to enable or disable an input according to a select html javascript option?


Viewed 6,698 times


I want an input to start disabled and when the person select for example a certain option of select the input is enabled.

  • Can you describe what you’ve tried?

  • I’m looking for help. I don’t know much javascript

  • Then start reading about the method addEventListener and the event change of your field select.

  • Put what you already have of html/css/js code that already helps you answer.

2 answers


Well you can take as a basis this example:

function verifica(value){
	var input = document.getElementById("input");

  if(value == 2){
    input.disabled = false;
  }else if(value == 3){
    input.disabled = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Page Title</title>
    <input type="text" name="input" id="input" disabled>
    <select id="options" onchange="verifica(this.value)">
    <option value="1" selected>1 - Não interfere</option>
    <option value="2">2 - Habilita</option>
    <option value="3">3 - Desabilita</option>


Selecting option = Voley the input shall be enabled.

Utilize getElementById to identify each element within the form.

To recover the value of the selected option


If you have this value, enable or disable the input.

 function validarForm() { 
       var optionSelect = document.getElementById("jogos").value;

       if(optionSelect =="3" ){ 
           document.getElementById("btn").disabled = false;
           document.getElementById("btn").disabled = true;
    <form method="post" action="/"> 
    <select name="jogos" id="jogos" onchange="validarForm()">
    <option value=''>Selecione o esporte</option>
    <option value='1'>Futebol</option>
    <option value='2'>Tenis</option>
    <option value='3'>Voley</option>
    <input type="text" id="btn" disabled>

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