make payment in paypal without requiring the customer to register without account


Viewed 3,697 times


I am using the following API to make payment via paypal.

What I see when I make the payment is this::

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

That is, I do not want to force the user to create account in paypal. In the configuration file I have the following:

$paypal[business]="[email protected]";
$paypal[return_method]="1"; //1=GET 2=POST
$paypal[currency_code]="EUR"; //[USD,GBP,JPY,CAD,EUR]

$paypal[post_method]="fso"; //fso=fsockopen(); curl=curl command line libCurl=php compiled with libCurl support


//Payment Page Settings
$paypal[display_comment]="0"; //0=yes 1=no
$paypal[continue_button_text]="Continue >>";
$paypal[background_color]=""; //""=white 1=black
$paypal[display_shipping_address]=""; //""=yes 1=no
$paypal[display_comment]="1"; //""=yes 1=no

//Product Settings
$paypal[edit_quantity]=""; //1=yes ""=no

//Shipping and Taxes

//Customer Settings

1 answer


According to information on paypal website this is automatic, you have the option to disable this feature in your paypal account that receives payments and not in its integration with your program, but this feature is only available if your account is Premier or Business

There is also the possibility that this feature is not available in all countries, but I have not found information about it so I cannot say this for sure, just by contacting them to be sure of this.

  • I cannot find the option in the settings. Do you know which way? In my case I do not use transparent checkout, use simple checkout.

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