Problems cloning a field using Jquery


Viewed 39 times


I am trying to clone an object using Jquery, but the width of the cloned field is not as expected.


<table class="table table-responsive" id="tableAulas">
                            <th>Carga Horária</th>

                                <select class="form-control bselect" name="professor[]">


                <p class="text-right">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-sm btn-success" id="addRowAula"><i class="fa-plus"></i> Adicionar campo</a>
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" id="removeRowAula" style="display:none;" ><i class="fa-minus"></i> Remover último campo</a>


    $(".bselect").select2({allowClear: true}).on('select2-open', function()

    $('#addRowAula').on('click', function(){

    console.log('add row');
    var html ='<tr> <td> <select class="form-control bselect" name=""> <option>Select</option> </select> </td></tr>';

    $("#tableAulas > tbody").append(html);
        $('#removeRowAula').on('click', function(){
        $('#tableAulas tr:last').remove();
    function showRowButton(){
        var rowCount = $('#tableAulas >tbody > tr').length;
        if(rowCount > 1){

I also left the example on the link:

  • What was the expected width?

  • < updated

2 answers


If you want the width of the cloned field to be the same as the original field, one way to do this is to include a style in the code that adds the field.

Replace this line:

var html ='<tr> <td> <select class="form-control bselect" name=""> <option>Select</option> </select> </td></tr>';

For this:

var html ='<tr> <td> <select style="width: '+$(".select2-selection").outerWidth()+'px;" class="form-control bselect" name=""> <option>Select</option> </select> </td></tr>';

The $(".select2-selection").outerWidth() takes the total width of the original field by class .select2-selection.

See in your Jsfiddle updated.

  • The question there and the plugin application when cloning.

  • @Brunokaue Hello Bruno! I didn’t understand very well


How are you placing rows in a table with no set size, at the time of .append() element will not respect line size because of class form-control of Bootstrap which implies width:100%.

Try just putting a class definition in CSS:

   width: 583px;


Also note that your new selects are not instantiated in the library select2(), I put your code in a function to instantiate the new elements added as well:

function InicializarSelect(){
    $(".bselect").select2({allowClear: true}).on('select2-open', function(){$(this).data('select2').results.addClass('overflow-hidden').perfectScrollbar();});

Being called at Document Load time:


Simply calling it as well when adding a new Element


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