How to capture textarea specific line in JS?


Viewed 861 times


  • I’d like to know how to capture one specific line where there is certain occurrence based on the result of a textarea.
  • The idea is to enable a personalized marking in the same sense as a markdown, but with custom markings.
  • For example, if my JS is waiting to convert a line started by "## " into an HTML H2 tag, which is the best way to identify all the line(and only it) and close the tag at the end?
  • I would like to know the most agile way pro browser, only with Vanilla JS if possible, but do not rule out the use of jquery and other frameworks if necessary.
  • You should include a verifiable example of what you have already managed to do. And I would like to know what your purpose is, because it seems to me just a reinvention of the wheel.

  • There are actually some open source JS editors that you can use to integrate into an application, such as

1 answer


What you want has several steps:

  1. Fetch text entered in textarea, and turn it into a array, where each entry will correspond to a line of text in the textarea'.
  2. Search the contents of the array to find, for example, a line started with ##.
  3. Return the result in html (convert the line started with ## tag h2 valid.

Example with jQuery and Regular Expressions:

In this example tags are validated <h1> and <h2> and the remaining lines are converted into paragraphs <p>.

// Assegura que o documento html está totalmente carregado
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Clicando no botão executa a conversão  
    $('#botao-converter').click(function() {
      // Obtém o conteúdo do textarea e divide-o em linhas
      var arrayDeLinhas = $('#editor').val().split('\n');            
      var resultadoHTML = '';
      // Loop para validar e converter o conteúdo para html
      for (var i=0; i<arrayDeLinhas.length; i++) {
        var linha = arrayDeLinhas[i];
        var elementoEncontrado;
        // Expressões regulares para validar as linhas        
        var existeH1 = linha.match(/^#\s(.*)/);
        var existeH2 = linha.match(/^##\s(.*)/);
        if (existeH1) { elementoEncontrado = 'h1'; }
        if (existeH2) { elementoEncontrado = 'h2'; }
        switch(elementoEncontrado) {
          case 'h1':
            resultadoHTML+= '<h1>' + linha.replace(/^#(.*)/,'') + '</h1>';
          case 'h2':
            resultadoHTML+= '<h2>' + linha.replace(/^##(.*)/,'') + '</h2>';
            resultadoHTML+= '<p>' + linha + '</p>';
      // Mostra o resultado
body { font-family: monospace}
<textarea id="editor" rows="8" cols="80">Texto
Texto e mais texto
Mais texto ainda
## H2 aqui
Mais texto
# H1 aqui
Texto simples  
  <button id="botao-converter" type="button">Converter para Markdown</button>
<div id="resultado">O resultado irá surgir aqui</div>
<script src=""></script>


  • Actually what I expected was just // Obtém o conteúdo do textarea e divide-o em linhas&#xA; var arrayDeLinhas = $('#editor').val().split('\n'); but it was a great response, thank you.

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