Online Server and Unity 3d


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Considering a game created on . What We Should Know to Make You an Online Multi Player?

  • 4

    This question is very broad, and will probably be closed as such. Try to make it more specific, more contextualized (what kind of game you’re playing, what your requirements are), telling you what you already know and what you don’t know, etc. Because a complete answer about developing Mmogs would probably make a whole book...

1 answer


Your question was rather gibberish, plus what I understood related to your question:

What You Should Take Into Account to Create a Multiplayer Online Game.

To develop a Multiplayer Game, 3rd Person or not, you should understand how the Ping and the FPS.

You would necessarily have to understand a lot about both if by chance the game has a need to be downloaded, which is much more complex. In case you have to lower it would have to have experience in Cloud Computing(Cloud Computing) and/or Servers Data centers.

In relation to Unity-3d known as Unity 3D, is a proprietary 3D game engine and an IDE created by Unity Technologies. Unity is similar to Blender, Virtools, or Torque Game Engine, in relation to its primary form of game authoring. Unity has two main versions: Unity Pro, which costs $1,500, and the free version, simply called Unity, which can be used for both educational and commercial purposes, in addition, it is possible to purchase the free and downloadable Unity Pro versions on Unity Tecnologies' official website, and the download version of Unity pro can be tested for a 30-day period.

And the company itself on its website gives an idea basically of the components and what is necessary for its creation and what can be done on its platform.

ABS: Unity website, in my opinion she would not be the ideal to start a well advanced game, but the platform is great to generate an income to engage or even have creativity to create a good game, so much so that games made on the platform Unity when they are well prepared she always bids to buy them more is at her discretion.

  • 4

    Although the question is already suspended, I decided to comment on your answer because there are some questions that are not quite correct. : ) (1) Blender does not have the primary function of authoring games. (2) FPS (first person shooter) is a style of play, and does not necessarily have to do with whether the game is multiplayer or not. (3) Unity, as well as Torque, are quite professional gaming engines, so that although their opinion whether they are not suitable for "advanced" games, they are widely used for this and include support for network communication in multiplayer games.

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