How to open a full screen size popup on extended displays?


Viewed 177 times


I have a scenario where two vertically extended Tvs are used to display a list of orders. I’m trying to open a popup that gets the full screen size of the two Tvs, but even putting the height as 3840px the popup only opens by filling the first screen. Any suggestions?

function popitup(a) {,'open_window','height=3840, left=1, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no, top=1, width=1080,fullscreen=yes');}

The application itself uses java with spring mvc and Thymeleaf on the front end. The above is javascript to open the popup.

  • 1

    Tip: make a windows application. You’ll have a lot more control and can do things a web application can’t. It is much easier to play with multiscreens too.

  • Utilize window.innerWidth

  • window.innerWidth and window.innerheight only return the size of one of the screens and not the total of the two.

1 answer


You can try using the functions:

  • screen.availWidth
  • screen availHeight
  • screen width.
  • screen height.


function popitup(a) {,'open_window','height=screen.height, left=1, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no, top=1, width=screen.width,fullscreen=yes');}
  • the problem is that I would like the screen to open already occupying the area of the two Tvs, since they are on the same machine and configured as extended monitors. The way you suggested, the function only recovers the size of one of the screens.

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