Reuse computed properties in Vuejs2


Viewed 41 times


I have a calculation of totals of certain values in a pagination. This calculation is in a computed Property inserted into a component. The problem that I have another similar component that needs to use the same computed Property. Following is part of the code below referring only to the calculation of totals (if you wish I can post the component in full):

// ... dentro de methods
  vlr (param) {
    let today = new Date()
    today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
    let venc = new Date(param.ven)
    venc.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)

    if (venc.getTime() >= today.getTime()) {
      return parseFloat(

    return param * 0.02
computed: {
  getTotal (param) {
    let total = {}
    if (param.length) {
      param.forEach(idx => {
        idx.vlr = this.vlr(idx)
        Object.keys(idx).forEach(key => {
          if (!total[key]) {
            total[key] = {
              counter: 0,
              sum: 0,
              values: [],
              uniqueCounter: 0

          total[key].counter += 1
          total[key].sum += idx[key]

          if (total[key].values.indexOf(idx[key]) === -1) {
            total[key].uniqueCounter += 1

    return total

My question is exactly this. How to efficiently reuse a computed Property?

I tried to use with mixins, but I have not been successful so far for this situation.

Note: The code was made with Eslint.

  • Do you want to share values in Runtime, or just want to be more DRY and have the code shared by both components?

  • Sorry for the delay, it would be the second option.

  • Use the concept of bus. That’s my opinion. Yours App., within the created, call a method (bus.$on('methodname')) where it does the calculation. And within its components it gives a $Emit (using the bus) passing the values. The $Emit can even stay inside the computed.

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