Pdfsplitmerge class not registered in Delphi XE


Viewed 71 times


I have a system that uses Unit Pdfsplitmerge_tlb, happens that compiles in a good, but when executing and trying to use the Object Tcpdfsplitmergeobj he says the class is not registered

Example of use:

procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
  pdf: TCPDFSplitMergeObj;

  pdf := TCPDFSplitMergeObj.Create(nil);
  pdf.SetCode('Your code here');

Turns out another machine works.

I saw that in Unit quotes a file below

Depndlst: // (1) v2.0 stdole, (C: Windows Syswow64 stdole2.tlb)

This file is in windows folder so I searched it is a VB library so I don’t know why it says the class is not registered

I’m using the Delphi XE

1 answer


After some research I checked this component, Psmsetup.exe "PDF Split Merge Component" that installs all required dependencies.

Issue resolved!

  • As far as I understand it is not the appropriate solution to the question, because, Classe não Registrada whether it really is a lack of dependency or the dependency is of another version, what happens in your case is that it just needs to register the dependency, a simple regsvrXX nome_dependencia would solve!

  • Another programmer used this Psmsetup.exe suite to develop, so this package installs the dependencies (dlls) and registers them thus solving the problem.

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