Check if a value corresponds to a value in an array


Viewed 155 times


How to check if a given value corresponds to another present in an array? Ex:

array1 ={nome = "Fulano", idade = 15}
  • 1

    Can you explain better what you want to check? and give an example of what you mean by array inside array.

  • I think I expressed myself wrong, but that’s what the example says. The array has 2 fields, and I want to check one field of the array for the other, if you use the name of the array, or almost that.

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  • should use quotes here: print(array1[idade], that is to say print(array1["idade"] but then I don’t understand what you want to do with .nome. Want to check whether array1["idade"] is a property object nome?

  • I want to take the value "name" of the array of those who have "age" equal to 15.

1 answer


One way to solve this, is to search in all the equivalent age and only use the names that match with age!


array1 = {
    {nome = "Paulo", idade = 13},
    {nome = "Fernando", idade = 27},
    {nome = "Fulano", idade = 15},
    {nome = "Rebeca", idade = 15}

for i,k in ipairs(array1) do
    if k.idade == 15 then
        print (k.nome) --Ou o que você quiser fazer com o nome

The result of this code will print Fulano and Rebeca (Who are 15 years old).

  • Gammeth, perfect, thank you.

  • @Gabrielsales Avoid using the comments to thank, if a reply is useful, check the accepted button (The gray V near the answer) to make it green.

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