How to know which parole is giving true?


Viewed 115 times


For example, I have the following if:

if(!condicao1 || !condicao2 || !condicao3){
  retorno erro com a condiçao que nao existe

When he gets into that if i wonder which of the parameters is missing to return an error.

  • To know which, they need to be separated under different conditions.

  • If it is more than one you want to return all or the first only?

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  • Gives a console.log in each of them ;)

2 answers


It’s simple, if you want to know individually have to do individually:

if (!condicao1) {
    //Faça o que precisa aqui
if (!condicao2) {
    //Faça o que precisa aqui
if (!condicao3) {
    //Faça o que precisa aqui

Eventually you can do something general too:

if (!condicao1 || !condicao2 || !condicao3) {
    //faz algo geral aqui
    if (!condicao1) {
        //Faça o que precisa aqui
    if (!condicao2) {
        //Faça o que precisa aqui
    if (!condicao3) {
        //Faça o que precisa aqui

I put in the Github for future reference.

  • +1 because it also works. :)


It seemed to me a conflict of title with the text of the question: missing = false? I took into account the title because it is more clear that you want to know which one is giving true.

If you want to know 1 of the parameters is true, can do so:

condicao1 = false;
condicao2 = true;
condicao3 = false;

if(!condicao1 || !condicao2 || condicao3){
    if(condicao1 || condicao2){
            alert("condicao1 é true");
            alert("condicao2 é true");
        alert("condicao3 é true");

Or you can do it straight:

condicao1 = false;
condicao2 = true;
condicao3 = false;

if(condicao1 || condicao2){
        alert("condicao1 é true");
        alert("condicao2 é true");
    alert("condicao3 é true");

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