Can anyone give me a light? When it comes to the algorithm to extract the file . zip from the location the program stops responding. I’m using as a reference dll Ionic.zip
Private Sub Descompactar()
Using zip As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(dirlocal & "\macro.zip")
For Each entry As ZipEntry In zip
entry.Extract(dirlocal, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)
End Using
On Error Resume Next
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(dirlocal & "\macro.zip")
MsgBox("teste.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, Title:="teste")
Process.Start(dirlocal & "/programa.exe")
End Sub
Ever tried to debug? Why not use native ZIP library?
– CypherPotato
In the end I changed the extraction code but it was not him but the download that I missed a code and the file was corrupted. This algorithm is right too, only gave problem because the file was corrupted due to download algorithm
– Matheus L