Unexpected result in database query


Viewed 34 times


class Login{
    public function logar($email,$senha){
        $connect=new DB;

        $sql="select * from usuarios where email='$email' and senha='$senha' and status='1' limit 1;";
        if ($result==1) {

        if (isset($log)) {
            $flash="Logado com sucesso!";
            $flash="Verifique se as informações inseridas estão corretas!";
        echo $flash;

Is there something above that makes it impossible for the query to be other than '1'? We assume the following situation: in my database there is an email record:'[email protected]' and password: 'admin' why when executing this code by entering the correct information the answer shown on the screen is "Check that the information entered is correct!"?

  • The status of that user is as 1?

  • is yes, that same SQL was run in PHP Myadmin

  • how are the connection data entered? I’ve circled here without class and without logging Function, inserting the connection directly and worked

  • Not because you’re with limit 1, then mysqli_num_rows will be 0 or 1 always

1 answer


Thanks to those who commented, but I managed to fix it. Who interests, the problem was in the database where all records were saved with the status 0, in the SQL command it gives a SELECT... WHERE status=1.

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