SOAP Response Returning NULL


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I am communicating with a SOAP webservice, through the IDE I can execute the calls of the methods and capture the values perfectly, however, by executing the . jar generated by Intellij, all returns are null... I have tried to generate . jar by Maven, I have no idea what it might be...

Example of one of the methods I’m using:

    @WebMethod(operationName = "InserirVenda", action = "Linker20/InserirVenda")
@WebResult(name = "InserirVendaResponse", targetNamespace = "Linker20", partName = "parameters")
public InserirVendaResponse inserirVenda(
        @WebParam(name = "InserirVenda", targetNamespace = "Linker20", partName = "parameters")
                InserirVenda parameters);
  • What does your Client return? It returns some error code ? you have already tested the call by a tool such as SOAP UI, etc..

  • They return an object containing the success/error message. Through the SOAP UI I can capture the return... But I think I now found the problem. Their Webservice was compiled into an older version of Java, while my version is superior, I ran a test with an older version and it worked... Thank you

  • Could be ! you generated the client from the WSDL as ?

  • I managed it by the wsimport command and also tried it by IDEA, they were both having the same problem when I generated . exe could not capture any returns... I will ask those responsible for the platform to compile WSDL using the latest version of JAVA !

  • I think I’d better do so!!

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