composition and validation


Viewed 83 times


Guys I have a struct called Contact with variables Std::string

and a ready-to-use email validation class using regex. I am creating a program and not need to create another validation function for this contact class I made the include of my email class so I have in my Contact struct a function like Contact call getContact.

so I did something like this below but this giving segmentation failure or has how to do better so that I can solve this by receiving within the class builder an obeto type contact?

#include <regex>
#include <iostream>

struct Contact
    std::string eMail;

class email
  std::string _mail;
  Contact e;


   email(Contact& em): _mail(em.eMail){}

 bool isMail()
  std::smatch email_smatch;

  const std::regex pattern("([a-zA-Z0-9._]+@(?:(?:hotmail|terra|yahoo|bol)[.](?:com[.]br)?)?(?:(?:gmail)[.](?:com)?)?)?");

  return std::regex_match(_mail, email_smatch, pattern);

 email* print()
   e.eMail = _mail;
   std::cout<<"\n\tEmail: "<<(email(e).isMail()?" is Valid\n":" is Invalid\n"); 

Contact getContact()
  Contact c;
        std::cout << "\n\tEnter email: ";
         getline(std::cin, c.eMail);


       }while(email(c).print() == 0);

int main(void)


1 answer


The problem is you declared the "getContact" function as "Contact" type but at the end of the function you did not return the value.

Start watching the warnings!

  • it did not give any specific Warning itself, only showed segmentation failure even as before running again I changed the type of the email* print function that would give error because I am;

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