Use of python Return


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def repita():
    x = 2
    while n % x != 0:
    x += 1
while n > 1:
    n = n / x #aqui se encontra o primeiro problema, já que "n" não é reconhecido fora da função
    x += 1
    if n % x != 0:#mesmo problema de antes
        repita() #aqui a função se repetiria aumentando o valor do "x"

My question is about how to use the Return so that "n" and "x" are recognized and I can work with them.

  • Extract? Divide one by the other? This question is not making much sense. Explain better what you are doing and what you want as a result for each input.

  • I edited the question, my doubt became clearer?

  • What I don’t understand is what that function is. Why does it exist? What does "repeat" mean? It seems to be doing several things. Why not simply declare n and x outside?

  • My algorithm is still in its infancy, so I don’t know if it’s worth posting it in its entirety just to make sense of that stretch, so I used as an example this function that doesn’t make much sense thinking it would be easier to understand the doubt, but anyway I will edit and put the function of my code.

1 answer


This is due to the rules of scope.

x is created inside the repeat function, and ceases to exist as soon as the function ends.

To get the final value of x you need to write something like

def repita:
    x = 2
    return x
x2 = repita()

Return sends the value of x outside the scope of the function, and this value is assigned to the variable x2.

it is not recommended to have a variable that will be accessed throughout the program (global variable), but it is possible.

x = 2
def repita:
    x = 5
x = x + 5

As the initial definition is outside the function the value is changed inside and outside the function.

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