background-image does not change the CSS file on the server


Viewed 31 times


I have a bakckground in a CSS file that works well in the browser, but when I put it on the WAMP server the CSS changes don’t happen. Can someone help me?

On the Index

<link href="estilo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

In the CSS

body {
    border:0px solid red; /* borda de controle para programar */
    background-image: url('imagens/GrupoOficiaLCOR_TR25.png'), /*primeira imagem com transparência */
        url('imagens/ruido.png'),/*segunda imagem com transparencia */
        linear-gradient(45deg, #000,#FFF);
    background-attachment: fixed; /* fixa a imagem de fundo */
    font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif; /* tudo dentro do body terá esta família de fontes */
    overflow-x: hidden;  /* remove barra de rolagem horizontal */
    height: 100%;
    background-size: 100%;
  • Have you checked if the image is on the right path? Check by pressing F12 in the browser (in the Console or Network tab).

  • It’s probably the cache

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