Error while returning JSON


Viewed 179 times


I have a REST API that works correctly in my local environment but in production is cutting a portion of the return.

{"status":"sucesso","data":{"return":"Inser\u00e7\u00e3o de lead efetuada com sucesso.

The right thing would be:

{"status":"sucesso","data":{"return":"Inser\u00e7\u00e3o de lead efetuada com sucesso."}}

The error that is being displayed is this:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unterminated string at line 1 column 87 of the JSON data

Can anyone tell me why? Must be some configuration on the production server since in the local environment returns correctly.

[EDIT] I’m using Code Igniter, the code that mounts the return is this:

$retorno_api = array(
  'status' => 'sucesso',
  'data' => array(
  'return' => $acao_efetuada.' de lead efetuada com sucesso.')

And I return using the response() of the Igniter Code Rest Controller:

  • Just analyzing the code to state anything. I can’t imagine any configuration that would interfere with that.

  • I’m using Code Igniter, I’ll include the part of the code that makes the return

  • Post the url, then you can debug directly on the server, or else you can post php!

  • 1

    Removes the $açao_feita variable, and tests whether the json return comes with the correct closure or instead of using the Answer from the Igniter code, uses php json_encode and tests.

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