I calculate two-tailed in Java


Viewed 175 times


How can I do the bicaudal or unicaudal calculation in Java?

This calculation is done in Excel by function INVT.

This Excel function is done as follows for example: =INVT(0,0455; 4,81E+01) that returns the value 2,053. What was the calculation she used to return me the value 2,053?

I couldn’t find it anywhere. Then, I wonder if anyone ever used some java lib to calculate this excel function.

  • 1

    Francisco, please edit your question and try to explain what you want to do with this calculation.

  • 2

    What is a two-tailed calculus?

  • 1

    I don’t know if there is a specific java function for this, but from what I read it uses a Student t test. I found a description of the history of the method and the formula used by it in the link below. You can use the example to implement your own java formula: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teste_t_de_Student

  • I think I can do it using normal distribution instead of Student’s t distribution. What is your particular interest with the degrees of freedom (the second parameter of INVT)?

1 answer


The Java framework you need is the one in the link below:


Better than implementing in hand.

The code will look like this:

   TDistribution  t = new TDistribution(4.81E+1);
   double num = 1.0 - t.inverseCumulativeProbability(0.0455);

Read the documentation you will understand and be able to implement right. I needed it in college and the framework helped me.

reference for response:



I hope I’ve helped.

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