Run a Ruby on Rails application locally Heroku


Viewed 134 times


I have a Ruby on Rails app hosted on Heroku. It has a login system on the home screen that redirects the customer (in this case me) to the other features of the account. When I run it locally, (be it by rails s or by heroku local web), opens the main site, but when I log in (with a locally registered user) it does not go to the "rest" of the site, it goes back to the main screen.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ruby 1.9.3-p551 and Rails 4.0.0

  • use sqlite3, but not sure if it is well configured rsrs ,yes I have the project folder and run from it the Rails or the local Heroku web

  • 1

    You use sqlite3 in Heroku?

  • I believe so, it was not I who made this part of the code

  • See if in Gemfile there is any other DBMS in ?group :Production'

  • but solved the problem, I used rake db:reset ai worked

  • Ahhh, great.. Put it as an answer for someone who has the same problem :)

  • I’m just having another question, I need to implement an api, so I need to do a URL request but I don’t know if I use GET or REST

  • Ask another question, then it’s easier to help


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To settle, I went

rake db:reset

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