Java Stream converter Map<String, Obj> to List<Obj>


Viewed 212 times


I have this object filled:

    Map<String, List<LogLine>> logMap = new TreeMap<>();

And after I’ve made a filter, I’d like a flat list of it, but I can only create a list

List<List<LogLine>>  foo = logMap.entrySet().stream()
            .filter(map -> map.getValue().size() > parameters.getThreshold())
            .map(map -> map.getValue())

How can I create only one List with all Logline using stream? I tried to use flatMap, but the compiler won’t let me.

  • So I know problem is turning from Map<K, List<V>> for List<V>?

1 answer


I believe the operator you want is the flatMap:

List<LogLine> foo = logMap.entrySet().stream()
                .filter(map -> map.getValue().size() > parameters.getThreshold())
                .flatMap(map -> map.getValue().stream())

It subistitui the current stream [logMap.entrySet().stream()] by a new stream produced by applying a mapping function to each element [map.getValue().stream()].

  • Exactly, I did exactly the same thing a little bit later.

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