Permission denied Laravel 5.5


Viewed 310 times


I’m trying to create my first Windows project with vuejs. I installed apache on Ubuntu 16.04 and navigated to the /var/www/html folder. I’ve circled the following command:

composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel --prefer-dist

but when I turn this command he gives me the following mistake:

[ErrorException]  mkdir(): Permission denied 

Searching the internet everyone says to give 777 permission for html, but this is not a viable solution, since if it were in production, it would make the server unsafe. Others said to run as sudo, but the installer itself deconcelha it. What can I do?

  • You can install Laravel in any folder does not need to be exactly this, give write permission and as it is development has no problem, when you put in a hosting server is already configured to receive the pages this does not need to be your concern ...

  • so in that case, can I create a folder in there and give permission 777? But when hr put into production, how is the process done?

  • So since it is development you can create a folder inside or in any folder that has permission, insclusive Laravel runs the server embedded in PHP in the tests. In the part of hosting the contractor itself makes the specific settings freeing you the necessary for some particular configuration, now will also depend a lot on which hosting you hired, each one is in a way. In your case you’re worrying far beyond me I see no need.

  • is that I think about creating a more similar development environment possible than production, but in this case, further ahead I see how to do. :)

  • So if you have to see the apache server part and permissions, then study this...

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