classname, Setattribute or classList.add


Viewed 343 times


I have a JSON list that creates several objects from a blog and come across the following ways to add classes to the HTML objects that I create after loading the list: classname, setAttribute and classList.add.

Obviously I’m giving preference to classList.add or even classname, but I found that setAttribute has a comparable performance or even better than them. As this CSS class definition would be inside the private set, someone has some recommendation?

2 answers


The setAttribute should never be used to add a class to an element, for the simple fact that the new value will override the current one and you have no control over which classes the element has at this time. If in one part you add the class x and in another the class y, You’ll have a lot of inconsistency in your layout. To get around this problem, you would have to read the current value and concatenate the new class to it, but that’s just what the className ago.

Already, between choosing className and classList, the MDN documentation itself, for example responds to this:

Use classList is a convenient alternative to access the class list of an element as a space-delimited sequence through element.className.

The only detail is that the classList may not be implemented in all browsers you intend to support, so please refer to the compatibility table before using it in production.

  • Hi Anderson, I came to the same conclusion about the setattribute because it doesn’t really help, maybe in the case of being only 1 class and not moving anymore. of the rest I agree with you, I joined the MDN and performance test site and ended up choosing the classList for malleability. Thank you


After searching the MDN website, W3chools and running tests on my browser and measurethat, I discovered some interesting things about the 3 methods. As they vary in speed and functionality, I set up a post to explain how I got to my answer.. below is a summary of it

The performance

I decided to search to know what would be the best option. According to the site, someone had already wondered the same. They did the following test I ran on Chrome, Edge and Firefox:

1st place: class

2nd place: setAttribute (except Edge)

3rd place: classList

*Result in transactions per second

In practice

Even if it is very clear, the above test is not an absolute, we must take into account other factors such as manipulation, functionalities and good practices.

  1. classname: Allows the manipulation of classes in string format, in this case having a string with all classes written inside and allowing the manipulation of the data in this format. As an old feature, it is used by several browsers

  2. setAttribute: The set attribute simply does this, sets the value within an attribute. There is getattribute that lets you view this value, but manipulation is limited to this.

  3. classList: Places classes within a list to be manipulated in an orderly manner through several specific methods. The level of functionality is the most practical, but besides having a lower performance, has not been implemented in older browsers.


I believe that classname and classList are the best candidates. If you need performance and are just setting and deleting classes, use the classname. Now if you have a system that needs to search for classes within the tag or add only if it doesn’t exist, save the effort of creating a logic for it and use the classList.

For the full version of this reply, see the post:

  • Consider that asking a question and responding with a link to a particular website or article itself may be considered a form of SPAM. There is no problem in you asking and answering. If you are going to make external references, put official sources.

  • 3

    I wouldn’t exactly call it spam as they say, but it’s cooler if you can reproduce the article here besides giving the link.

  • I wanted to put everything here, but it’s a post with more than 400 words, 3 images of performance tests and the source code of the test... I’ll change the answer to include as much as possible, but I don’t think it’s going to be as cool.....

  • The response field supports up to 30000 characters, so I think it does, yes :D

  • That part was quiet... it was more about the visuals.. But I have already put a new answer with making the necessary adjustments, I hope you like the staff more :)

  • The visual content I think you can not include because you have few points on the site, right? We can include for you to find important. There is no problem having visual content in the answers, on the contrary (if it is relevant, of course).

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