Model Laravel 5.2


Viewed 241 times


Good morning. In need to insert/update the data from a table of my database, however I do not know the columns that can contain within this table, because the system is very flex. I created a modal with $fillable = ['*']; to try to update only the cases that pass the input, but is not inserting anything. Follow the codes below. Note: the same input data is the table data.



namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Request;

class ChamadosChamados extends Model
protected $table = 'chamados_chamados';
public $timestamps = false;
protected $fillable = ['*'];

DD of the input.

array:15 [▼
"_token" => "J05hMfB9PtZ6uoVdpKPNc29mZcN4KXgqkpVn71Y0"
"equipe" => "SANTANDER - RCI MOROSO"
"tipo" => "1"
"categoria" => "1"
"modelo_formulario" => "1"
"segmento" => "LEVES PR"
"dias_atraso" => "1"
"contrato" => "1"
"nome_financiado" => "1"
"endereco_financiado" => "1"
"uf" => "PA"
"cidade" => "AURORA"
"telefone_acordo" => "1"
"telefone_agendamento" => "1"
"observacao_required" => "1"

1 answer


If you want to make all attributes assignable in bulk, you can set the property $guarded as an empty matrix:

protected $guarded = [];

While $fillable serves as a "white list" of attributes that must be assigned in bulk, you can also choose to use $guarded. The estate $guarded must contain a number of attributes that you nay wants it to be mass assignable. All other attributes in the matrix will not be mass assignable. Then, $guarded works as a "blacklist". Of course, you should use any one $fillable or $guarded - not both.

Otherwise check primaryKey of the table and see if you don’t need to define in the model as well.

protected $primaryKey = 'sua _chave_primaria'; 
  • 1

    Closed friend, I did as you said. I passed the empty $guarded and now is entering and updating only the cases that are in the form. Thanks

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