Opa Personal, Good Afternoon!
I’m having trouble consuming a webservice.
Fis a basic program to consume but is presenting the following error message: "Request should be informed".
I could not understand what this request would be.
Could you help me?
Follows my source:
$mensagem = array('Emitir' =>array('Aliquota'=>0,
'InformacoesAdicionais'=>'teste de geracao de nota webservice',
'Email'=>'[email protected]',
'Bairro'=>'presidente altino',
'Nome'=>'Samuel de Vincenzo',
$function = 'Emitir';
$options = array('location' => 'https://nfe.osasco.sp.gov.br/EISSNFEWebServices/NotaFiscalEletronica.svc');
$client = new SoapClient('https://nfe.osasco.sp.gov.br/EISSNFEWebServices/NotaFiscalEletronica.svc?Wsdl');
$result = $client->__soapCall($function,$mensagem,$options);
echo 'Response: ';
Thank you
The mistake seems to be of the own
, I mean, it’s not in your PHP, I guess. As I do not know this service I can not report what is missing, but it is possible that their DOC has something to report on this error.– Guilherme Nascimento
try to use this link https://nfe.osasco.sp.gov.br/EissnfeWebServices/NotaFiscalEletronica.svc?singleWsdl
– Felipe G.