Route and form in Laravel


Viewed 719 times


I have a route


I have a controller

public function index()
    $cars = Cars::table('cars')->get();
    return view('web::index')->with('cars', $cars);

And in the form reads as follows URL

{!! Form::open(['class' => 'form-horizontal search-side-box', 'url' => '/', 'method' => 'post', 'autocomplete' => 'off']) !!}

But when I click the button submit of form, of the following error:

Class App\Front\Http\Controllers\WebController does not exist

But the controller is configured, so much so that in other places I call the URL '/' and it works, only on form that no. And when I pass another URL in the form it also works:

{!! Form::open(['class' => 'form-horizontal search-side-box', 'url' => '/about', 'method' => 'post', 'autocomplete' => 'off']) !!}
  • What your form does or should do?

  • In this case you pass the search data of a specific item. If you do not have any field filled it must fetch all the items, otherwise search by passing the form parameters

  • 1

    @Edinhorodrigues, you have to create a post route: Route::post('/','Webcontroller@index');

  • Thanks, I decided even better: Route::any('/', 'Webcontroller@index');

  • @Edinhorodrigues, before using Route::any() checks the security issue. I have to confirm, but if no mistake favors vulnerabilities.

1 answer


Well first your method in Form and in the routes is wrong, in one is defined a post and in the other the get. Normally get is used for simple pages, and the post in Formulars and so on, in your case I think there’s a bit of code missing there:

Set one more route

Route::get('/', 'WebController@index'); // renderiza a pagina com o form
Route::post('/busca_detalhe', ['as'=>'car.busca_detalhe', 'uses'=> 'WebController@busca_detalhe']); // Retornará os resultados submetidos na busca do form

Add a function in the Webcontroller

public function busca_detalhe(Request $request)
    $dados = $request->except('_token');
    $cars = DB::table('cars')->select('*')->where('parametro', '=', $dado['parametro'])->->get();
    return view('car.detalhes', compact('cars')); //Crie a view para mostrar os resultados

You can also set the Form opening with the route instead of the url:

{!!  Form::open(['route' => 'car.busca_detalhe', 'method' => 'POST', 'class'=>'form-horizontal bordered-row']) !!}  

Don’t try to do everything in the same/Controller function using the same routes, it will confuse you at the time of maintenance, and I don’t need to mention if another developer is going to analyze your code one day...

  • Thanks Darlei, I made the route passes any, so can I do both get Qt post, q think, can it be like this? EX: Route::any('/', 'Webcontroller@index');

  • @Edinhorodrigues, before using Route::any() checks the security issue. I have to confirm, but if no mistake favors vulnerabilities.

  • Laravel is very consistent in terms of security, but really, any loophole that can be avoided is best doesn’t cost to create a new route and view

  • 1

    @Darleifernandozillmer, true! Laravel is very robust in terms of safety! The problem is the inappropriate use of the implement culture to function and embed vulnerability with it!

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