How to define table that will receive the Insert using PHP variable?


Viewed 105 times


I have some tables that follow a pattern:


the name, surname and ID are stored in the session and I recover to enter in the database:

$ID         = $_SESSION['ID'];
$nome       = $_SESSION['nome'];
$sobrenome  = $_SESSION['sobrenome'];

Then I recover the user informed data:

$ano        = $_POST['ano'];
$mes        = $_POST['mes'];
$titulo     = $_POST['titulo'];
$descricao  = $_POST['descricao'];

The query looks like this (or at least I would like it to be):

$sql = " INSERT INTO '$nome'_'$sobrenome'_'$ID'_sementes(ano, mes, titulo, descricao) VALUES ('$ano', '$mes', '$titulo', '$descricao') ";

I echo the query to see how it looked (obviously it was not executed correctly):

INSERT INTO 'Jefferson''Carlos''1'_seeds(year, month, title, description) VALUES ('2017', 'July', 'example title', 'description example')

If I remove the ' :

$sql = " INSERT INTO $nome_$sobrenome_$ID_sementes(ano, mes, titulo, descricao) VALUES ('$ano', '$mes', '$titulo', '$descricao') ";

makes that mistake:

Notice: Undefined variable: name_in /Storage/Emulated/0/www/registra_seed.php on line 23

Notice: Undefined variable: last name_in /Storage/Emulated/0/www/registra_seed.php on line 23

Notice: Undefined variable: Id_seeds in /Storage/Emulated/0/www/registra_seed.php on line 23

And the query prints like this:

INSERT INTO (year, month, title, description) VALUES ('2017', 'July', 'example title', 'description example')

What I do?

2 answers


Try concatenating the string this way:

$sql = " INSERT INTO $nome"."_"."$sobrenome"."_"."$ID_sementes(ano, mes, titulo, descricao) VALUES ('$ano', '$mes', '$titulo', '$descricao') ";
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First of all, check the variables that receive the Session value before trying to do the insert, will avoid good stress in the future. Then you can concatenate the table name:

$tabela = $nome."_".$sobrenome."_".$ID_sementes;
$sql = "INSERT INTO '".$tabela."'(ano, mes, titulo, descricao) VALUES ('".$ano."', '".$mes."', '".$titulo."', '".$descricao."')";

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