A different color for each highcharts column


Viewed 964 times


I have a horizontal bar chart from Highcharts, I would like each bar to have a color, only I mount them only with a series using a database query, in which case I can only pass one color to the whole chart.

I did a lot of research, I couldn’t find anything in Highcharts to help me with that.

  • Dude I answered you, but I read your question again, so I posted two ways. "just with a series " is a series or several ?

2 answers


To put a different color for each column use the Colors attribute inside series:

series: [{       

        type: 'column',
        colorByPoint: true,
        colors: '#fff',
        name: 'Numero de Chamados',
        data: {[0,1,2,3,4,3,5,4,3,3,3,33,3,3,3,3,3,2]},
        showInLegend: true

        type: 'column',
        colorByPoint: true,
        colors: '#000',
        name: 'Numero de Chamados2',
        data: {[0,1,2,13,4,3,1511,4,3,31,3,133,3,13,3,3,3,2]},
        showInLegend: true

If you use only one series just put this code:

colorByPoint: true,
  • see if this is what you want and let me know, if not I will edit


Set the colorByPoint option to true and set the desired color string.

options = {
    chart: {...},
    plotOptions: {
        column: {
            colorByPoint: true
    colors: [

example - jsfiddle


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