How do I change the background color of a Jfoenix Combobox item?


Viewed 150 times


I’m having trouble with colors in Jfoenix. My program has this yellow, gray and white palette, but all objects are in blue. Like the items in this combobox:

Combobox azul

I tried to add this to the archive jfx-combo-box.css:

   -jfx-focus-color: #f2e668;
   -jfx-unfocus-color: #4d4d4d;
   -fx-prompt-text-fill: #4d4d4d;
.jfx-combo-box .label {
   -fx-background-color:  WHITE;
   -fx-text-fill: RED;

But it didn’t work. This problem also occurs in my Jfxlistview.

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    Stack in Portuguese, jovem, translate your question ai.

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