Import featured images without having to download them. - WORDPRESS


Viewed 74 times


I’m working on a website that has news since 2001.

I would like to export only your ( posts + featured images) from 2015 backwards, but I don’t need to download the images so I imagine everything is by database.

The default exporter of Wordpress does not work, and plugins that make this service download the image(do not need because the images are in a blob).

How do I collect this data ? I know the content I need is in wp_posts wp_post_metas

  • Kaue if you don’t get the answer here there is also a Stackexchange platform for Wordpress

  • Thank you very much !

1 answer


If you have SSH access to the server, you can use the WP CLI to export only what you want from the bank:

$ wp db export --tables=wp_posts,wp_postmeta posts.sql

This command exports only tables wp_posts and wp_postmeta to an archive posts.sql that you can import into the new bank.

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