Use of the "Instance of"


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public class AlunoLicenciatura extends Aluno{
    private String curso;
    private ArrayList<Disciplina> l_dis;

    public AlunoLicenciatura(String curso,Aluno a){

        super(a.getNumero(),a.getNome());//recebe o numero e o nome de aluno do objecto do tipo aluno ,neste caso, a1 de acordo com o main
        this.l_dis=new ArrayList<Disciplina>();

public class Aluno {
    private int numero;
    private String nome;

    public Aluno(){

    public Aluno(int numero,String nome){
public class P8 {
    public static int contaAlunosLicenciatura(ArrayList<Aluno> a){
        int c=0;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
            if(a.get(i) instanceof AlunoLicenciatura)
        return c;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Aluno a1 = new Aluno (1, "Gervasio");
        Aluno a3 = new Aluno ();
        Aluno a4 = new Aluno ();
        AlunoLicenciatura al1 = new AlunoLicenciatura("Curso1",a1);
        ArrayList<Aluno> v=new ArrayList<Aluno>();
        int Stlicen=contaAlunosLicenciatura(v);


I don’t understand why you’re showing up at output 0, if the student a1 was instantiated in the class AlunoLicenciatura al1.

  • Manuel Jose, checks if your check inside the loop in the P8 class in function contaAlunosLicenciatura (). Is it to check: if(a.get(i) instanceof Hallucination)? I believe it is to check if it is a Aluno.

  • Manuel Jose, I believe the answer here can help in understanding your question in the context of using a user-defined object within an Arraylist.

  • No. It’s to check how many students are undergraduate students. So how many students were instantiated in the class Alunolicenciatura given the dynamic array . In case I have 2 students who are not instantiated in the class Alunolicenciatura only a1 was instantiated

  • Manuel Jose, you may have to review the abstraction of your solution. Because in the hierarchy AlunoLicenciatura extend Aluno. So he’s a student guy too, but instantiated as AlunoLicenciatura .

  • a1 is a student , but also belongs to the student degree , just when I call the static method accountLicency should return 1 and not 0.

2 answers


The result is correct since you added a1 who is just a student, no al1 who is a graduate student.

I don’t know if this is a typo (facilitated by bad variable names) or if you thought that the fact that one object receives another object, this other object happens to be something else, which would make no sense.

I actually think this heritage is wrong, which is most clear from the fact that you have to create one parent object and then create another that is a child. The Builder use also seems inadequate.

  • I didn’t notice the second paragraph of your comment. I have the class Student as father and Student Degree as son. All undergraduate students are students but not all students are undergraduate students

  • 1

    Improved? What if the student changes course? What if he takes two courses? What if you have to control something different that is in some students and not all, that is in some courses, but not all? That is, by misconcepting, created a coupling and wrong and maintenance will suffer.

  • @Maniero, completing his remarks. We have to think about the designer of the class Alunolicenciatura and with this infer the responsibilities. Manuel Jose, what are her main responsibilities?

  • If the student changes course I create a method that given the student a1 modifies the Course string. But that’s not what this is about. I just want to count how many students were instantiated in the class Alunolicenciatura that according to the code above would only be a1.

  • Yeah? Then the undergraduate student is murdered and another is born? If he is in one more course he exists doubly? If the requirements change and this coupling of the course it makes with what it is, can no longer be applied?

  • You are putting the cart in front of the horse. The problem of duplication is dealt with below if necessary. What I don’t understand is, why does function countAlunosLicency return 0 in output

  • @Manueljose, responding to why is the function contaAlunosLicenciatura this to return 0. I believe it is because in the hierarchy the parent class does not know what its daughter classes are, but the sons know which father is.

  • It is written in the answer because it is returning 0, after all it is an answer to your question. I tried to warn you of the problems, if not change the whole design there is no way to stay, only can do gambiarra, but you can do as you want.

  • then what does it propose for the parent class to know which are its daughter classes

  • @Manueljose Trying to generalize everything that was said back by Maniero and pss1support: The class modeling you have is incorrect and brings other problems and/or difficulties. Before solving the problem you have, think about fixing the modeling first, which is much more important.

  • So the hierarchy of the classes is badly formulated ? That’s it...

  • Only agreeing even more with Maniero, AlunoLicenciatura receives as part of the builder a Aluno and extends to Aluno? @Manueljose, this modeling was weird at best...

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Assuming that this is a legacy project to which you can’t change the class hierarchy without a major impact, I suggest you apply the Pattern: VISITOR design.

The intention of VISITOR is to allow you to define a new operation for a hierarchy without changing the hierarchy classes. [Steven John Metsker, William C. Wake - 2006, 340 p.]

Seeking to answer: why does function countAlunosLicency is returning 0. Well, I believe it’s because in the hierarchy the parent class doesn’t know their daughter classes, but the sons know which is the father. The daughter class has to behave like the father class:

The Liskov Substitution Principle

New classes must be logical, consistent extensions of their super-classes, but what does it mean to be logical and consistent? A Java compiler will ensure a certain level of consistency, but many consistency principles will elude a compiler. A rule that can help improve your projects is the Liskov Substitution Principle [Liskov, Barbara,1987], which can be paraphrased as follows: An instance of a class must function as an instance of its superclass. [Steven John Metsker, William C. Wake - 2006, 295 p.]

No more theory, now in practice:

public interface AlunoVisitor {
    void visit(AlunoLicenciatura al);

Java student.

public class Aluno {
    private int numero;
    private String nome;
    private boolean isAlunoLicenciatura = false;

    public Aluno(){

    public Aluno(int numero,String nome){

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof Aluno) {
             Aluno aluno = (Aluno)obj;
            if (aluno.numero == this.numero)
                return true;
        return false;

    protected boolean isAlunoLicenciatura() {
        return isAlunoLicenciatura;

    protected void setAlunoLicenciatura(boolean isAlunoLicenciatura) {
        this.isAlunoLicenciatura = isAlunoLicenciatura;


public class AlunoLicenciatura extends Aluno
    implements AlunoVisitor {

    private String curso;
    private ArrayList<Disciplina> l_dis;
    public AlunoLicenciatura(String curso,Aluno a){
        super(a.getNumero(),a.getNome());//recebe o numero e o nome de aluno do objecto do tipo aluno ,neste caso, a1 de acordo com o main
        this.l_dis=new ArrayList<Disciplina>();

    public void visitor(Aluno a) {


public class P8 {

    public static int contaAlunosLicenciatura(ArrayList<Aluno> a){
        int c=0;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
            Aluno aluno = a.get(i);
        return c;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Aluno a1 = new Aluno (1, "Gervasio");
        Aluno a3 = new Aluno ();
        Aluno a4 = new Aluno ();
        AlunoLicenciatura al1 = new AlunoLicenciatura("Curso1",a1);
        ArrayList<Aluno> v=new ArrayList<Aluno>();
        int Stlicen=contaAlunosLicenciatura(v);


Important to keep in mind the following:

VISITOR is a controversial standard. Some developers avoid consistently applying it, while others advocate its use and suggest ways to strengthen it, although these suggestions generally add complexity. The fact is that many design problems can follow the VISITOR standard. [Steven John Metsker, William C. Wake - 2006, 353 p.]

NOTE: The above suggestion is one of many possible. I know you can add complexity, but implementing a Pattern design requires an impact analysis and its cost X benefits. Don’t implement a standard just by implementing.

NOTE 2: Notice I didn’t implement the function: accept(AlunoVisitor al) in class AlunoLicenciatura. This happened because there would be no way to make the class Aluno Abstract. This would imply a very large change in the solution and assuming that we have access restrictions.


[Steven John Metsker, William C. Wake - 2006], Addison-Wesley Professional; 2 Edition (April 18, 2006), DESIGN PATTERNS IN JAVATM: Software Patterns Series.
[Liskov, Barbara,1987]. Data Abstraction and Hierarchy. SIGPLAN Notices, volume 23, number 5. May 1987.

  • In Student Class I already have an equals method to check if the name and number are consistent given an object

  • @Manueljose, great that you have overwritten the equals(). But did the solution suit you? Sorry if you added complexity, but you have to analyze your design first.

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