Web Hosting or Streaming Hosting?


Viewed 111 times


I am developing a project, in which the idea is to allow the user to hear (from a player -> plugin in javaSript embedded in the index.php page) the selected music... In order to provide a good service, what is the ideal hosting solution for playing MP3/audio files hosted on the Web Server? Taking into account server-side and client-side.

1 answer


I believe you will have other variables like copyright protection, but then there is no quick answer to "what’s the best solution," but yes, what’s the ideal solution for your case.

I believe you can start by offering the file mp3 with Content-Type: audio/mpeg as suggested in this other answer and evolve your system to the point of using a protocol other than http and deliver the streaming service.

  • Sorry I didn’t mention the player (plugin in Avascript) that is embedded in the page. Yes, I have in mind the copyright protection... The idea is not to physically offer the mp3 file, but to play the selected song on the client side.

  • And will you need to prevent the user from storing the files, preventing them from distributing? If the answer is yes, you will need to adopt streaming service.

  • Yes, downloads are not allowed... But, I confess that now I was confused... How is it possible for a user, malicious or not, to download the songs? In order for you to understand, can I leave an excerpt from the source code of the page in question here? Well, I don’t intend to mix things up... but it’s all connected.

  • I think you better separate the subject into another question

  • Exactly, I just created a new question, which can be found at: http://answall.com/questions/25820/howto avoid being a user

  • And this question you consider answered?

  • Yes, in addition to alerting me to the fact that it protects the content (mp3 files), thus avoiding the download. I appreciate your availability. However, I believe that it is not yet closed.

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