I am using the following code to render my button to only appear with the status Waiting for approval but does not occur.
<a4j:commandButton value="Enviar Solicitação" action="#{solicitacaoImpressaoBean.inserirSolicitacao}"
styleClass="espacoBotao" render="@form" rendered="#{solicitacaoImpressaoBean.peg.status.descricao eq 'Aguardando Aprovação'}" />
Someone knows what’s wrong with the code?
I don’t understand the -1.. The description is exactly
Aguardando Aprovação
? Maybe you should create a boolean method in Managed Bean that returns something likereturn "Aguardando Aprovação".equals(peg.getStatus().getDescricao())
and assign that method to the attributerendered
button– igventurelli
that’s right. vlw
– user2509556
I put the comment as a response
– igventurelli
If you think my answer helped you, you could mark it as a solution, please? :)
– igventurelli