Variable to call where to search in the database!


Viewed 42 times


Does anyone know if it is possible for me to do a database search using a variable like the name of where to search in the database, like how it follows:

$consulta = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM alunos WHERE $turma = '$grupo'");

Where the variable $turma would be defined by the user.

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    What will contain in the variable $turma? Is the name of the column in the table ?

  • @wmsouza yes, in the variable $turma would be the column name in the table!

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    Apart from the huge security problem, is having some problem?

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    Your code seems to work, I don’t understand your question.

  • @Maniero I was having a problem yes, but it was the position of my form, reviewing the code I saw this error of mine, now it worked. I am new to SQL, this is the way I learned in the course, you would indicate me some material or video class to learn better about this security issue and make the site safer?

  • @Francisco It was a problem with the FORM, then the code was not running, and as I didn’t realize it was in the consultation, thank you!

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    If you want a course indication suggest this to no longer use the mysqli:

  • @Laérciolopes thank you very much, I will research on PDO, I had heard about, but I have not yet had to dig deeper, I will do this!

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    There’s video lessons on the Youtube link I posted

  • Yes, I will use them, they seem to be very good, thank you very much!

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