post call does not work, returns error 405


Viewed 86 times


have the following javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
            function calculaReducao(){
                var nd1 = document.getElementById("nrDentes1").value;
                var nd2 = document.getElementById("nrDentes2").value;
                $.post("calcularReducao?nd1=" + nd1 +"&nd2=" + nd2); 

the cell in the table

<td><input type="button" onclick="calculaReducao();" value="Executar" /></td>

and the controller

@RequestMapping(value = "/calcularReducao", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ModelAndView calcularReducao(double nd1, double nd2) throws IOException {

        ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("/calculos.jsp");
        double resultado = nd2/nd1;
        mv.addObject("reducao", resultado);
        return mv;


and with all this, the click of the button returns me an error 405, as if trying to make a get.

Message Request method 'GET' not supported
Description The method Received in the request-line is known by the origin server but not supported by the target Resource.

1 answer


He may be making one get due to the passage of arguments ?nd1=. When posting, it’s best to send data to the payload, not the URL. Fix for your case:


<script type="text/javascript">
    function calculaReducao(){
        var nd1 = document.getElementById("nrDentes1").value;
        var nd2 = document.getElementById("nrDentes2").value;
        $.post("calcularReducao", { nd1: nd1, nd2: nd2 }); 

Spring controller

@RequestMapping(value = "/calcularReducao", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView calcularReducao(@RequestParam double nd1, @RequestParam double nd2) throws IOException {

    ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("/calculos.jsp");
    double resultado = nd2/nd1;
    mv.addObject("reducao", resultado);
    return mv;
  • I’ll try to do as you said.?

  • Right here @Rafaelperracini, you say whether it worked or not.

  • not rolled, keeps giving the same problem...

  • Just to clarify, I need to use the pq button I make several calls for calculations from the same screen, so I don’t use Submit...I don’t know if the button needs to be inside a form, but I think not, since it calls the javascript function and spring bridges with the controller

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