How to replicate a value depending on what is inside the cell?


Viewed 60 times


I have a code that always puts 264 empty characters after the last word typed inside the cell; then puts more "00000000000000" after 264 empty characters and export to txt, as shown below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My question is I have to put at the end of the line after the 264 characters always "99999999999" that in the cell is with the following field filled : 5497558138889999999999998

Follows my code:

Sub Macro14()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim arq1 As Long
Dim name As String
Dim op As Variant
Dim linha As Long
Dim res As String

On Error GoTo fim:

linha = 1

While ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TesteConcluido").Cells(linha, 1) <> ""

name = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TesteConcluido").Cells(linha, 1)

While Len(name) < 265

name = name + " "


If linha = 42 And 43 Then

name = name & "999999999990000"


name = name & "000000000000000"

End If

arq1 = FreeFile

Open fileTeste For Append As arq1

Print #arq1, name

Close #arq1
linha = linha + 1

If Err.Number = "70" Then


End If

MsgBox "O arquivo foi exportado com sucesso! ", vbInformation, "Exportar arquivos"

res = MsgBox("Você gostaria voltar ao menu?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "QNIS - CAIXA")

If res = vbYes Then


ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=True
Unload FormQNIS
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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  • 1

    All right I answered the other questions, thank you

1 answer


Follows solution of the problem:

Option Explicit

Sub Macro14()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim arq1 As Long
Dim name As String
Dim op As Variant
Dim linha As Long
Dim res As String
Dim texto As String

texto = "54975581388899999999999"

On Error GoTo fim:
linha = 1

While ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TesteConcluido").Cells(linha, 1) <> ""
name = CStr(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TesteConcluido").Cells(linha, 1).Value)
While Len(name) < 265
name = name + " "

If InStr(1, name, texto, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then

name = name & "999999999990000"


name = name & "000000000000000"

End If
arq1 = FreeFile

Open fileTeste For Append As arq1

Print #arq1, name

Close #arq1
linha = linha + 1

If Err.Number = "70" Then


End If

MsgBox "O arquivo foi exportado com sucesso! ", vbInformation, "Exportar arquivos"

res = MsgBox("Você gostaria voltar ao menu?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "QNIS - CAIXA")
If res = vbYes Then

ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=True
Unload FormQNIS
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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