COUNT and GROUP BY in two columns


Viewed 2,068 times


Personal I am facing a doubt with a particular query, I have searched everywhere on the subject but without success. If there’s any other way to do what I’m trying, I’d appreciate the information

So I’ll illustrate the scenario.


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In this table I am assigning a serial_lot since the vouchers will be generated in large quantities, each voucher has a Total Time_total.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I managed to create a query where returns me all serial_batch that were created in the last 2 hours and the times that this batch repeats.

SELECT serial_lote, Count(*) FROM vouchers
where (data_criacao BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 hour) AND NOW())  GROUP BY serial_lote
HAVING Count(*) > 1 
order by serial_lote DESC


I need you to return not only the serial lot and the amount of times this batch repeats, but also the total Time_total of each batch. (Lots can only be created with the same Total Time)

Preciso que fique assim

  • should help you

  • I must have confused you, I don’t want to add the total time.. I wonder what is the time of each Lot.

1 answer


The function SUM() does not work with type data Time. That’s why you have to use the functions TIME_TO_SEC and SEC_TO_TIME to convert time to a number of seconds and vice versa.

SELECT serial_lote, Count(*), SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( `tempo_total` ) ) ) AS tempoTotal
FROM vouchers
WHERE (data_criacao BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 hour) AND NOW())  GROUP BY serial_lote
HAVING Count(*) > 1 
ORDER BY serial_lote DESC

EDIT: If you don’t want to add the total time, just add the total time in the SELECT and in the GROUP BY

SELECT serial_lote, tempo_total, Count(*)
FROM vouchers
WHERE(data_criacao BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 hour) AND NOW())  
GROUP BY serial_lote, tempo_total
HAVING Count(*) > 1 
ORDER BY serial_lote DESC
  • I must have expressed myself wrong, because the goal is to bring only the time of the lot since I can only create a lot with the same time_total. I don’t want to add up, I just want to know that lot 1 is at 3:00 and lot 2 is at 1:00:00

  • @Michelteixeira edited my answer. I hope I understood well

  • 1

    wow! thanks @Estevaoluis is exactly what I need, now I learned.. the issue of select, sorry now I saw that it was a silly thing. Thanks for the help.

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