Record Video and Upload C# MVC


Viewed 219 times


1 answer


Well, considering that the library returns the file as an input file, what you can do to save it without submitting it is using localStorage. Since you left no more details about your code, I’ll leave here an example of its use.

Now, to save it in "your project", as the browser runs in the client, it is not possible to save the file directly on your server, for this you will need to upload it to your application by sending it to the Controller. Follows example.

It is worth mentioning that in the repository itself already has the implementation in MVC: Recordrtc-to-ASPNETMVC

  • I didn’t post the code because I tested several, This Script I used it, records the video and sends to a php server and returns the Video Link.

  • Yes, what you should do to get this result is to transcribe the upload process to PHP in . NET, as the example quoted. However, as you said you could not use your Controller, the only alternative is to save it locally, which can be done with Storage location. In case, you need to evaluate your need, it seems to me, you need to recover the video later, then really has to be done your Submit.

  • Misspelled I can use yes to controller

  • Dude, take a look at the library’s MVC repository :)

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