Redirect pages using if, Else if and Else attributes what is wrong?


Viewed 498 times


my php code


include "conectar.php";

//comando para iserir dados direto do formul?rio para o banco de dados


$sql="INSERT INTO cadsolidario VALUES ('$nome', '$cpf', '$identidade', '$telefone', '$celular', '$email', '$cep', '$endereco', '$complemento', '$bairro', '$cidade', '$uf', '$sexo', '$idade', '$peso', '$individual', '$tresvidas', '$cincovidas')";

if($num = "tresvidas"){

}else if($num = "cincovidas"){



Note: You are entering the data correctly. But aren’t you redirecting what I should do? Thank you!

  • Hello Flavio, the code is missing.

  • 1

    To compare values use two equal signs == and not one (which is attribution)

  • OK I’ll authenticate and I’ll tell you if there have been changes, thank you! -rray

  • I get the feeling you’ll always fall for else, $num receives a number but you compare it to a string...

  • As for what is happening, should I put $res? I confess that I was totally lost! Rs.

  • @Flaviocordas Where do the words "tresvidas" and "cincovidas" come from? From the database?

  • I don’t know what you’re comparing nor the pq, need to explain these details by editing the question.

  • Sorry for the delay! i want from the data typed in the form, where $tresvidas=$_POST['tresvidas']; for chosen take me to page php search! Understand?

  • tresvidas is a radio button or select?

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1 answer


The mysqli_affected_rows() return the NUMBER of affected Rows, however, you are comparing with a string.

I also noticed that you’re using = in their if. What’s wrong is that = is used in comparisons in PHP while == is used to see if one value is exactly the same as the other.

  • True, it also has this, it takes and adds the answer the problem that rray spoke

  • Good evening, I want to select on the form either tresvidas or cincovidas and from there according to the selection send me to the respective pages. I really need this help, sorry for the delay!

  • Friends already solved!

  • if($tresvidas == "tresvidas"){ include('tresvidas.php'); }Else if($cincovidas == "cincovidas"){ include('dependents.php'); }Else{ include('index.php'); } mysqli_close($con);

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