Raising numbers financially


Viewed 69 times


I am mounting a basic payroll system in VB.NET, and for example when I do splitting 2500 for 220 the result will be 11,363636363636363636363636363636.

There is how I make a rounding for example to result stay 11,36 two boxes after the comma

  • decimal value = Math.Round(2500M / 220, 2);

  • right, but where should I put it? in the textbox in which displays the result?

  • So it’s your decision where you show off !?

  • So I put it in the textbox, but it gets wrong, I put exactly the same code that Oce gave me, but it shows the message " 'Decimal' is a type and cannot be used as an Xpression." saying that 'decimal' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. Excuse is that I still do not understand much.

  • Matheus puts the code you’re asking in the question

  • Dim num7 As Double Dim num8 As Double num7 = Val(Textbox7.Text) num8 = Val(Textbox8.Text) Textbox10.Text = num7 / num8 would be this one

  • I believe that’s TextBox10.Text = Math.Round(num7/num8,2).ToString(); based on the commentary.

  • 1

    That right there, it worked. Thank you very much!

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  • Yes I understand, but you could teach me how to use the Round() function or give me a tutorial on the internet that teaches it, I never used it.

  • @Mateusjustino System.Math.Round(dec numeroDeEntrada, int decimais) https://msdn.microsoft.com/pt-br/library/system.math.round(v=vs.110). aspx

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