Pass object by Ajax


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I would like to know how to get through an ajax request, bring to my site a list of elements, where these elements are lines of an sql query. For example, I have an employee chart. In the form, when the user chooses an area, he must fill in a 'select' field for all employees in that area. My code returns only 'Undefined'

function buscaNome(area)


url: 'php/buscaNomes.php',
type: 'POST',
async: true,
dataType: 'json',
data: {'especialidade':especialidade},         

success: function(result) {

if (result != "")
    var campoSelect = document.getElementById("nomeEsp");
    var option = document.createElement("option");
    option.text = result[0].nome;
    option.value = result[0].nome;


error: function(xhr, status, error) {
alert(status + error + xhr.responseText);



Code q makes the query:

class Medico 
public $nome;


require "conexaoMysql.php";
$listaMedico = "";
$listaMedico = array();

if (isset($_POST["especialidade"]))
$especialidade = $_POST["especialidade"];

$sql = "
    SELECT Nome
    FROM funcionario
    WHERE Especialidade = '$especialidade';

$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);

    $medico = new Medico();

    $medico->nome = $nome;

    $listaMedico[] = $medico;

 $jsonStr = json_encode($listaMedico);
 echo $jsonStr;

 catch (Exception $e)
 $msgErro = $e->getMessage();

 if ($conn != null)


Note: I put result[0]. name for test only, in theory I should create a for

  • Your $jsonStr has the right results?

  • Yes, I just can not list all the results, this appearing only the first name, had said it was appearing Undefined, but no. Only the first line of the query is appearing

1 answer


Opa friend all right ?

Do the following:

//In the medical class creates a method that transforms the Object into Json

class Medico 
    public $nome;

    public function JsonRetorno()
        return json_encode(get_object_vars($this));

//Instead of an array of Objects create an array of json

    $medico = new Medico();

    $medico->nome = $nome;

    $listaMedico[] = $medico->JsonRetorno();

//To print the code

 $jsonStr = json_encode($listaMedico);
 echo $jsonStr;

I programmed a similar code for the test and it all worked out: //Medical class

Class Medico
    private  $nome;
    private  $login;
    private  $senha;

    public function setNome($nome)
        $this->nome = $nome;

    public function setLogin($login)
        $this->login  = $login;

    public function setSenha($senha)
        $this->senha = $senha;

    public function JsonRetorno()
        return json_encode(get_object_vars($this));

//Main class


Class Main
    function __construct()

        $medicos = [];
        $medico = new Medico();

        $medicos[] = $medico->JsonRetorno(); //Adiciona médico para array Json 

        $medico2 = new Medico();
        $medicos[] = $medico2->JsonRetorno();

        echo json_encode($medicos);


$objMain = new Main();

//An example Json capture in html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <script src="" type="text/javascript">
        $.getJSON("main.php", function(data) {




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