Make Global selection in the App


Viewed 19 times


I wanted to know how to make the selection of the global year in the application and work with the data only with the selected year. Do I have to make Managedbean Applicationscope? How do I navigate the application and not lose it in select.inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

insira o código aqui

@Named @Sessionscoped public class Gestaoanoselecaoglobal Implements Serializable { private Static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private AnoSelecaos sisuAnoSelecaos;

private List<AnoSelecao> listaSisuAnoSelecaos = new ArrayList<>();

private AnoSelecao sisuAnoSelecao = new AnoSelecao();

public void todosSisuAnoSelecaos() {
    listaSisuAnoSelecaos = sisuAnoSelecaos.todas();

public List<AnoSelecao> getListaSisuAnoSelecaos() {
    return listaSisuAnoSelecaos;

public AnoSelecao getSisuAnoSelecao() {
    return sisuAnoSelecao;

public void setSisuAnoSelecao(AnoSelecao sisuAnoSelecao) {
    this.sisuAnoSelecao = sisuAnoSelecao;


In xhml

        <f:selectItems value="#{gestaoAnoSelecaoGlobal.listaSisuAnoSelecaos}"
            var="anoSelecao" itemValue="#{anoSelecao}"  itemLabel="#{anoSelecao.anoSelecao}" />             

With this scope does not load the list, but using @Viewscoped works normally. You’ve had this problem?

  • Try using @Sessionscoped that once you have chosen to log in, the value will be in the session.

  • I did what helped me and did not upload the information in the Selectonemenu. You can help me?

  • Create the init() class by annotating @Postconstruct and calling the method to load the information, it will be called on the first screen creation.

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