how to recover json php data with ajax


Viewed 526 times


how can I recover data coming from a php with the ajax. because I’m getting the result but it’s not coming to the jquery he doesn’t bring me values

query code

    $cep = $_POST['cep'];
    $newCep = str_replace("-", "", $cep);

    require_once "../Model/Correios.class.php";

    $p = new Correios("15991182","{$newCep}","0.300","5","11","11","0","04510");
    $s = new Correios("15991182","{$newCep}","0.300","5","11","11","0","04014");

    $pac = $p->getValor();
    $prazoPac = $p->getPrazoEntrega();

    $sedex = $s->getValor();
    $prazoSedex = $s->getPrazoEntrega();

    $retorno = array("pac"=>$pac, "prazoP"=>$prazoPac, "sedex"=>$sedex, "prazoS"=>$prazoSedex);

    echo json_encode($retorno);

ajax code

                  url: 'Controller/consultaCep.php',
                  type: 'POST',
                  data: dado,

                  success: function(r){
                    valorP = r.pac;
                    valorS = r.sedex;
                    prazoP = r.prazoP;
                    prazoS = r.prazoS;


                  $("#pacCorreio").html("PAC - "+prazoP+" dias após postagem R$ "+valorP);
                  $("#sedexCorreio").html("Sedex - "+prazoS+" dias após postagem R$ "+valorS);

  • To callback success is being executed at least? The problem is not clear.

  • yes it is running all only it is not getting the php values in alert(valorP) you’re returning to me undefined

  • I executed the console.log and he shows me the values of echo json_encode($retorno);

  • In the $.ajax, place dataType: 'json' to inform jQuery that the return will be JSON. See if anything changes.

  • managed to resolve. have to convert again this json of php for js with the JSON.parse converted and function he brought me the results

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