How to use the $ jquery in wordpress?


Viewed 101 times


wordpress indicates using the following code:

( function( $ ) {
    // Your code goes here
} )( jQuery );

But I am using the zurb Foundation 6, and I believe this will not be enough to run it along with the wordpress Jquery, since the Foundation itself has several calls using $ inside it.

How can I get $calls passed to Jquery Wordpress automatically?

  • Have you tried using the noConflict() jQuery? For example, to change the simple $ of jQuery to another, put in the code, for example, var $a = jQuery.noConflict();... so jQuery’s commendations became $a instead of just $.

2 answers


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
  // Pode usar normalmente aqui dentro.
  $('#element').hide(); //exemplo

Another way would be just assigning the variable $:

$ = jQuery;

After this line could use normally. The first option is safer to be used in Wordpress.


wordpress does this for security, not to happen load other libraries that use the $ and that are not jQuery.

If you’re sure that doesn’t happen, and the library you need to use really has the $ declared, so all you have to do is window.$ = jQuery; after the script where you load jQuery in wordpress, ie before loading that library you need.

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